Amnesty International aims to identify, bring attention to, and petition grave abuses of human rights across the world.
Service Learning
Service Learning is known as ASPire to Serve at ASP.
ASPire to Serve is an overarching, multi-program effort to create and nurture positive change in the local and global ASP community. Providing a compassionate environment and learning to be a Global Citizen are both parts of our school's mission statement, and our ASPire to Learn program helps provide this for our students. We believe that Service Learning is vital because it connects student learning in the classroom with real-world experiences in the community and the world. Students who participate in ASPire to Serve initiatives are more deeply engaged in community responsibility while also gaining practical skills, developing their personal interests, and become better engaged citizens. We work to instil the values of service in our our students so that they continue service work for the rest of their lives, beyond ASP.
Compassion Without Borders, works to support refugees and homeless in the Paris area through fundraising, gathering essential supplies and food distribution.
This Club raises funds and collects donations for the Jyoti School for handicapped children in Rishekesh, India as well as the Luxman Jhula Medical center, which treats people with leprosy.
The Kenya Club (Grades 9-12) is a philanthropic organization which conducts fundraising in order to help a special youngster in Kenya, Kelvin A, pursue his education.
The annual Middle School Walkathon is a fun event that both raises critical funds for an important cause and gets middle school students moving!
The entire ASP community looks forward to the Annual Restos du Coeur Can Drive each year. This school-wide initiative supports the incredible efforts of Restos du Coeur, a local organization dedicated to feeding and supporting individuals and families in need.
For over ten years, the Romania Club (Grades 9-12) has been supporting the work of Romanian Children’s Relief/Fondatia Innocenti, which runs a playroom for abandoned babies and a program for elementary school Roma children in Bucharest.
Room to Read is a non-profit organization supporting children's literacy and girl's education across developing countries in Asia and Africa.
Our community has long been involved in helping to feed our homeless and refugee neighbors through our weekly sandwich-making program.
The Student Voice (Grades 6-8) provides students the opportunity to create positive change in our school, local, and global communities.
This club aims to lessen the consequences of poverty on the island of Sumba.
In Spring 2022, students and faculty took on a number of projects to support refugees in Paris and those affected by the crisis in Ukraine.