Curriculum and Diplomas
Our curriculum is developed around the American approach to education, which offers academic rigor as well as a focus on social and emotional development.
In addition to critical-thinking skills and abstract reasoning, students at ASP also hone ‘soft’ skills including collaboration, leadership, intercultural competency, and self-management, skills necessary for success in the classroom and beyond. The American approach to education instills in students confidence, positivity, and a ‘can do’ attitude.
The curriculum of the American School of Paris is standards based. The standards include grades K3–12 as well as Advanced Placement and the Diploma Program of the International Baccalaureate. The Understanding by Design Template is the format used for framing all curriculum units. The main language of instruction is English though all students must take French which is offered at varying levels.
Students have the choice to pursue an International Baccalaureate diploma, Advanced Placement courses, a mix of IB/AP courses, or standard college-preparatory courses. All ASP students receive an American High School diploma after completion of graduation requirements.
With more course choice for Grades 9–12 than any other school in the Paris area, we serve the diverse interests of our 350 students enrolled in the Upper School.
Curriculum by Division
Early Childhood (Ages 3–6)
Lower School (Ages 7–10)
Middle School (Ages 10–13)
Upper School (Ages 14–18)
Our Upper School students consistently outperform world averages in AP and IB programs.
Our younger students in Grades 3–8 take Measures of Academic Progress testing to measure what they know and their growth over time. Our students' scores consistently exceed worldwide grade level norms, reflecting the strength of an ASP education, as well as the transportability for students moving on to schools elsewhere.
From Here, Go Anywhere
In order to serve our globally-mobile and expatriate families, our curriculum and different educational pathways make it easy to continue school if your family must transfer to another international school, or return to your home country.
Whether a student graduates from ASP or only attends our school for a few years, one thing is certain: when they leave, they will be ready to conquer whatever comes next.