The PFA is committed to making all families feel welcomed and supported. We know what it means to be newcomers in a new learning environment. Our purpose is to stimulate interest in ASP and to provide support for the advancement of the total school, its parents, and students. On the following pages, learn about some of the PFA programs and volunteer resources available to you. PFA Parent Faculty Association 8 Orientation Guide 2018-19 Dear Newly-Arrived ASP Families, OnbehalfoftheParentFacultyAssociation,welcometo theAmericanSchoolofParis!Wearesoexcitedtohaveyour family become a part of our vibrant and dynamic ASP community, and the PFA is here to help you feel welcomed and supported. HerearesomeofthePFAvolunteerresourcesavailabletoyou: Grade Liaisons will provide you with information regarding activities, events, and volunteer opportunities for your child's grade level. Neighborhood Liaisons are a great resource to contact for information about your new neighborhood or a neighborhood that you may be considering. International Liaisons can help you find traditional items that you may be missing from home and may also speak your mother tongue. For more information and other details, please visit the Our Community page on the ASP website: WelookforwardtomeetingyouatthePFAWelcomeCoffee onSeptember4! Lisa Young Hallenbeck PFA President 2018-19