STUDENTS BOOK CLUB Overall Review: Daisy Jones and The Six tells the story of the conception and disbantion of a fictive band, plunging readers into a world of sex, drugs and rock & roll. It took many of us a while to get used to the unique 'interview style' of telling the story. It was somewhat slow paced story leading up to the actual formation of the band but much like the canonical story of "The Six", once the band got together something extraordinary happened. This book was a riveting read with realistic characters that made many of us ask, "was Daisy Jones and The Six a real band?" . The world building included many details from the real world rock and roll scene during the 70s which served to further immerse us readers into the story. The characters were complex to say the least. Many made decisions that we as readers perhaps didn't agree with, however this led to some very interesting discussions after we had all finished the book. Daisy Jones and The Six might not be everyone's cup of tea but it is well worth a read! |